This Bull Was Chained Up His Entire Life. Now Watch How He Reacts To The Man In Red.

Man, woman, child or animal — we all deserve a chance at happiness. Sometimes it's easy to forget that not everyone is born with the same freedoms. In fact, some creatures are born into negative situations where the quality of life is so harsh that it barely qualifies as a life at all. Bandit the bull was one of these creatures.

Confined to a narrow stable with chains his entire life, Bandit was recently rescued by German animal sanctuary Gut Aiderbichl and given his first real taste of freedom.

When Gut Aiderbichl employee Christian finally gives Bandit a chance to roam freely, he excitedly runs around like a child at play. Seriously, Bandit's response to the whole situation is almost too much to handle!

This Bull Was Chained Up His Entire Life. Now Watch How He Reacts To The Man In Red. This Bull Was Chained Up His Entire Life. Now Watch How He Reacts To The Man In Red. Reviewed by Fadi on 13:37 Rating: 5

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