Video: Family Runs For Their Lives When They Spot Hawk Carrying Their Worst Nightmare

Picture this…
You sitting in a beautiful park, the weather is perfect and you are with the people you love most. You gather together at a table for a picnic and your ready to sit down and enjoy a nice meal.
Sounds like a pretty nice day, right?
And at the start of the video below, it looks like it will be a nice day and an enjoyable moment. The family is gathered around the table after they finished a plate of hotdogs, when they see a hawk flying in the sky overhead, they are taken aback. As a hawk is one of nature’s most mysterious creatures, they can’t help but watch as it passes above in the clouds, dominating the sky. And then suddenly, the unthinkable happens, the family witnesses the hawk swoop down and pick something up from the ground. While this is one of those moments that almost everyone would like to witness, they continue to watch until they are thrown into a state of shock and disgust as the hawk decides to share the treat that he plucked from the ground. And, as luck would have it, one of the family members decided to film the hawk, which he/she originally thought was just flying overhead.
As the hawk circles one more time, the family looks on and just as they are looking up, the hawk lets go of his capture and a live snake comes falling from the sky and lands right at their feet. The snake, which is very much alive, proceeds to slither on the ground and even chases after one of the family members. The man goes running off and then the video cuts out. We can only hope he can run fast enough to get away from the slithering creature.
Nature always has a way of mesmerizing us with its mysteries, but this specific moment is one that almost looks planned, as if the hawk and the snake teamed up and made a pact to taunt the family below. Maybe they were getting sick of being watched?
Viewers had mixed opinions on the video. Some of the comments are listed below:
“The bird wanted the food on the grill… so he had to figure out a way to scare off the humans. LMAO!”
While this is a funny comment, it’s also a very logical answer. Maybe the hawk realized that there was something tastier to eat so he dropped the snake so that he could make a plan to capture a hotdog.
And several viewers thought that the video was fake…
“Ummm… fake? Seriously, is anybody believing this is real? The size of the snake changes multiple times, and the animation on it as it crawled away was pretty bad. The first sign that this is fake – the fact that the family is so amazed by a hawk across the lake, and that the camera was rolling and pointing across the water before anybody even noticed it.”
Several viewers agreed and thought that editing equipment was clearly used to create the video and the moment.

Video: Family Runs For Their Lives When They Spot Hawk Carrying Their Worst Nightmare Video: Family Runs For Their Lives When They Spot Hawk Carrying Their Worst Nightmare Reviewed by ahmed on 09:46 Rating: 5

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