Lacey Merrifield, An Inspiring Story of Little Amazing Girl who is leading life with lil feet

Lacey Merrifield of Douglas County, An inspiring, active, famous and determined 4 year little girl who is born with a disability. When she was born everyone was very happy with little angel, later on while a routine doctor checkup it was diagnosed that Lacey’s arms are not developing.

It was the most painful statement no parent wants to hear however they had to face such truth. Doctors tried their best to reach out the reason for her condition; they weren't able to get the same. Her condition remains a big mystery.

4 Year Little Girl Who Is Born With A Disability

With family love and strength Lacey is living a normal life like other kids. She plays, goes to school, use tablet to play GAMES, she have friends however she is different as she learnt to use her feet instead of her hands. She can carry out an unbelievable array of actions with her feet comprising eating with chopsticks or fork, writing and tying shoe lace.

She has to struggle a lot with little feet to learn day to day activities

She might have been born without arms; however her strength & willpower won’t stop her fulfilling her dreams in her life. She is a true example for those who have able bodied. She has to struggle a lot with little feet to learn day to day activities. Her aim is to learn everything as it comes and gives her best until she defeats it.


With feet brushing her teeth

She is good at dressing herself
With little feet she learnt lacing and threading
With feet brushing her teeth
Little baby knows to play on grandmother’s ipad with feet tips

Merrifield is an inspirational figure as she sets an amazing example

Little Lacey Merrifield is an inspirational figure as she sets an amazing example for those who are able bodies however lazy and aimless in their life. Life is all about how you take and make it and she is best example for this. With god grace and her strength she can pick tiny things from her feet off the floor like little piece of lint or bead. She is having amazing flexible body as with her toes she can stretch far to collect things and pick them up

Lacey Merrifield, An Inspiring Story of Little Amazing Girl who is leading life with lil feet Lacey Merrifield, An Inspiring Story of Little Amazing Girl who is leading life with lil feet Reviewed by Fadi on 10:07 Rating: 5

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